Born as a creative response to the confinement and physical distancing to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, this virtual platform aims at sharing and promoting digital best practices related to culture and cultural heritage from across Europe and the world. Through this platform, citizens, civil society organisations and so many cultural (heritage) operators can connect, interact and learn from one another across various types of borders and barriers.
Today so many citizens and organisations are learning and adapting – in such a quick pace – to live, work, learn and communicate in a different way, often from home and in self-isolation. Museums and cultural organisations have seized this occasion to re-engage with their audiences and reach new ones through creative and innovative digital solutions – such as free online content, social media challenges, online concerts or webinars. By sharing and promoting related news and content, we wish to optimise people’s confinement, while giving more visibility and understanding of Europe’s “Unity in Diversity” and advancing the digital shift.
You can explore our collection via the drop-down menu on your left, ranging from virtual tours, online performances, webinars, podcasts, resources, social media challenges, to the latest EU policy updates.
You can also get involved in our Agora by:
The Europa Nostra Agora Team